Fondazione Pietro Pittini was among the sponsors of this important conference held by Assifero in Duino (Trieste) to discuss on the relationship between philanthropy and human rights. Stimulating contributions were given by Barbara van Paassen(LSE Atlantic Fellow); Claudio Cesarano (Open Society Foundations); Alex Putzer (@unitednationshumanrights UN expert); @philea_eu Philea, Philanthropy Europe Association; Debora Guidetti (Ariadne - European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights) An important part of this 2 days meeting was the keynote speech by Michael o’Flaherty - Director of @euagencyforfundamentalrights EU Agency for Fundamental Rights- who aknowledged the role of philanthropic institutions walking hand in hand with public institutions in several human rights programs at a global level. What we take away with us? The vibrant engagement of @uwcadriatic United World Colleges (UWC) students on such sensitive and urgent topics. "There is no b for human rights" as Michael o’Flaherty noted. Human rights are at the basis of everything especially in tumultuous times we are living; to create a better world we need to build partnership across society in order to achieve social development for our young generations. Thanks to Assifero, ARIADNE -European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights, - and The Human Safety Net for this amazing opportunity.